Posts tagged with "Le Mitan"

In Memoriam · 28 May 2024
John, L, FLORANT was born on the 14th of june 1922 from Guido FIORAVANTI that anglicized his name and Surname as William FLORANT when he immigrated to USA from Italy in 1914. and His mother was Martha Dawson Kreps . He had a brother that also served during the war. He married Ernestine Frances ODOM and got a little girl Mary LIndsay that was aged of 14 months when he was killed. "Johnny" as he was called was inducted into the military service and entered active duty the 20 of june 1941 at camp...

In Memoriam · 02 June 2022
Lawrence ALTO was born on the 10th of january 1921, prior enlisted in the US Air Force he was in a General School Academy/ 1937 - Football 1938-1940 Boxing, Wrestling and Tumbling 1939 - Aviation theory and model Airplane on the 31 May 1944 he was attached to the Ninety Fifth Troop Carrier Squadron as Officer of the squadron surgeon 5. flying Personnel Grounded: F/O Alto, Lawrence L T-122096 acute Otitis Media, Right. (ear infection) He was hospitalized or quartered. This may have kept him from...

Histoire · 01 July 2020
The 509th parachute infantry battalion is one of the very first US. Airborne unit in paratroopers history : Originally constituted 14 March 1941 as the 504th Parachute Infantry Battalion (PIB) and activated on 5 October 1941. On 24 of February 1942 the unit moved to Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Then , trained with the British 1st Parachute Brigade in England, earned the honorary title "Red Devils", and were authorized to wear the maroon beret. The maroon beret remains an iconic symbol of...

Veterans · 12 June 2020
Kaare Allan JOHNSON is born on the 21st of may 1924, he join the US Army and volunteres to paratrooper. ha was enlisted in the 596th Airborne Engineer company under command of Colonel Robert DALRYMPLE. He came un Europe with the 517th parachute infantry regiment, and became part of this unit with the 460th parachute infantry batallion named for the operation Dragoon, the 517th parachute regimental combat team. Unfortunatly, due to a non experience of the young C47 pilots, Allan JOHNSON was...

Veterans · 01 May 2020
There is some people you meet one day in your life, and they host a place in your Heart for ever. Charlie and his lovely wife Rena were that kind of people. They came in La Motte and Le Muy, southern France landing zone for the 50th anniversary, August 1994. we spend those days together, trying to locate the place he landed on his glider, places he was , and villages he liberated. Charlie was born on september the 28th 1925, he join the army and was soon volonteer for airborne training....

Veterans · 22 April 2020
IL est le commandant en chef de l'opération aéroportée de Provence, le père des "Diables rouges". Robert Tryon Frederick est né le 14 mars 1907 à San Francisco. Il a fréquenté la Staunton Military Academy de 1923 à 1924 et la United States Military Academy (USMA) à West Point de 1924 à 1928. Une fois diplômé de West Point, New York, il a été nommé sous-lieutenant du Coast Artillery Corps of the United Armée des États. Il est diplômé du U.S.Army Command and General Staff...

Veterans · 16 February 2020
A brave soldier who was part of the very formation of the Parachute Regiment and served throughout the war as Part of the 4th Battalion with distinction. He was born on 20th February 1925 Wanting to fight for his country when the war broke out he went to the recruiting centre on 21st September 1941 whilst only sixteen years old and stated that he was born in 1923. He enlisted into the London Irish Rifles and almost immediately volunteered for the newly formed Parachute Regiment, then under the...

Veterans · 17 January 2020
(Page under construction with courtezy of Spike Nolan daughter Carol and Grand daughter Danielle) James Spike NOLAN, Member of the "B" company, 4th British parachute battalion of the 2nd independent para brigade, part of the First Airborne Task Force division dropped in southern France between villages of La Motte, Le Mitan and Le Muy on Drop Zone "O" at 4.30 am on the 15th of August 1944. The 2nd independent para brigade, was part of the First Airborne Task Force division, the Airborne part of...

Veterans · 16 February 2019
Le récit du Gendarme GOURCI est le travail de près de 30 ans de recherches, qui commencèrent grâce à de notre ami Georges Meissonnier des Arcs, qui en 1994 travailla avec les moyen de l'époque aux retrouvailles 50 ans après de ces gendarmes héros modestes de la résistance locale, qui prirent une part importante à la libération de la région centre Var et que nous eûmes le privilège de rencontrer. D'une part, vous allez découvrir le récit et la vie de ce Gendarme, que nous purent...