Kaare Allan JOHNSON is born on the 21st of may 1924, he join the US Army and volunteres to paratrooper. ha was enlisted in the 596th Airborne Engineer company under command of Colonel Robert DALRYMPLE.
He came un Europe with the 517th parachute infantry regiment, and became part of this unit with the 460th parachute infantry batallion named for the operation Dragoon, the 517th parachute regimental combat team.
Unfortunatly, due to a non experience of the young C47 pilots, Allan JOHNSON was dropped 20 miles north of his predesignated drop zone near the village of Callian, at about 20 meters only from a deep canyon.
Allan became a real good friend , very active in the 517th RCT association and with his lovely daughter Claire and son in law Jim he is coming every year since 2004 in southern France to honor his comrads of his unit.