Posts tagged with "517th parachute infantry"

Veterans · 01 June 2024
William J. (Wild Bill) BOYLE was born on Aug. 29, 1917, to William L. and Marie FOLEY BOYLE in Brooklyn, NY and had one brother, Joseph. He was an accomplished track athlete in high school, participating in the 1935 Millrose Games, graduated from St. Augustine High School in 1935. On 1st of july 1935 he entered the famous United States Military Academy of West Point New York and graduated with the other 455 westpointers of the class 1939 on the 12 of june at the age of 22. This was the first...

Musée virtuel · 19 February 2023
Cette pelle Américaine modèle pliant 1943 fut retrouvée après le passage des premiers parachutistes du 517em et du 460em de la place des Arcs sur Argens par le jeune Marcel , frère du résistant René MARIUS. Venu acclamer les premiers libérateurs, il remarque que l'un d'eux abandonne sa pelle au pied d'un platane alors que l'attache de ceinturon, probablement affaiblie par le choc de son parachutage, venait de céder. Marcel conservera cette pelle toute sa vie de viticulteur. Elle porte...

Veterans · 19 July 2022
Robert William "Bob" DALRYMPLE was born in Brazil, Indiana, on the 10th of june 1917. He was the younger brother of sister, Ruth, and brother, John. After joining the US army and the corp of Engineers Robert DALRYMPLE had been asked to join the airborne troops as the US army was planing to activate some airborne Engineer units attached to the infantry. He was at that time, C company commander of C company, 139th Airborne Engineer battalion at Camp Mackall, North Carolina. Then he attended with...

Veterans · 18 July 2022
"A great officer loved by his men" ... It was a privilege to have him as one of the best supporter of our association for over 20 years. Dick SEITZ was born in Leavenworth, Kansas on Feb. 18, 1918, he grew up in that city and then attended Kansas State University where in 1939 as a junior he began dating his first wife, Bettie Jean MERRIL. That same year Dick, foreseeing WWII looming on the horizon, accepted a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the US Army. Once in the Army he went through the...

In Memoriam · 01 July 2022
2nd Lt Albert M ROBINSON, Junior was born in Bloomfield, Essex County, New Jersey in October the 25th 1920. The 1940 census list him as a 19 year old apprentice at "The General Electric". He volunteered paratroopers and was attached to the 517th parachute infantry regiment. The unit was formed in early 1943 and trained at Camp Toccoa, Georgia. The 517th saw heavy fighting in the Italian Campaign in June 1944, before being transferred near Rome (Italy) to take part to " Operation Dragoon " in...

Veterans · 28 February 2022
Barthélemy SORDELLO est né le 18 août 1919 à Gardanne (Bouches du Rhône) Incorporé au 7em génie d'Avignon pour son service National, il est mobilisé en Septembre 1939 à la déclaration de guerre. A la défaite de Juin 40 il retourne à Lorgues et reprend son activité de maçon. Le 19 juillet 1941 il épouse Jeannette MATHIEU à Lorgues . Contacté par la résistance, il va se porter volontaire pour la distribution de tracts anti-gouvernement de Vichy. Lors de l'instauration du STO, le...

Veterans · 02 January 2022
Né aux Arcs le 13 Avril 1921, il est le frère ainé de Joseph SOLDI. Ensembles ils seront recrutés par le commandant BLANC, et deviendrons des combattants volontaires de la résistance locale sous l'égide du mouvement COMBAT. Ils habitaient tous deux à la ferme familiale des Cognasses au Sud des Arcs, il prendra part avec son frère et le groupe local a des actions de sabotage des voies ferrées.

Veterans · 23 November 2021
Mel BIDDLE est né le 28 novembre 1923 à Daleville, Indiana, il fréquente l'école primaire de Daleville et est diplômé de l'Anderson High School. Après ses études il travaille pour la société de pieces automobiles Delco Remy à Anderson jusqu'à ce qu'il soit enrôlé dans l'armée américaine en janvier 1943. Il se porte volontaire pour les parachutistes et aprés ses classes à Fort Benning et camp Toccoa, il est affecté au 517em régiment aéroporté. Avec son unité il part pour...

Veterans · 14 November 2021
Louis AUDIBERT est né aux Arcs sur Argens le 05 septembre 1909 aux Arcs. Louis effectue son service aux armées en 1925, il est affecté à la 7em compagnie de génie du 28em régiment à la caserne de Montpellier. Une fois son service terminé il rejoint Les Arcs . En 1939, la guerre éclate il est mobilisé. Coiffeur de profession, il est contacté dès novembre 1942 par les chefs de la résistance locale sous l'égide de l'A.S.(armée secrète ). De part son magasin au boulevard Gambetta,...

In Memoriam · 15 August 2021
Private Richard SAILOR was born on November 2, 1920 on the White Earth Indian Reservation, Becker County, Minnesota. Both of his parents were of Ojibwe Indian blood. His father was Frank William Sailor (Sho Ne Yah Wo Say), and his mother Lena Martin (Bah Gway Ke Gah Bow Eak). His father Frank took the surname SAILOR when he joined the US Army in 1914-1918. Their traditional Ojibwe name was originally "Be-Gay" which means "Partridge". He was wounded and gassed on the French battlefield during...

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