
KIMBALL Paul R., 441st Troop Carrier Group

Né à Sacramento (Californie), il sera breveté pilote de la U.S. Airforce le 17 février 1943 à Victorville (Californie). Membre du 99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, il participera à l'opération aérotransportée en Normandie le 6 Juin 1944, et pilotera son dernier planeur Waco CG4A lors de l'opération Dragoon où il décède le 15 Août 1944.

Nous recherchons à ce jour des informations sur les circonstances de l'accident.


 Army Serial Number 807 puis 0531344



Born in Sacramento (California), he was graduated as a U.S. Airforce pilot on February 17, 1943 in Victorville Air base (California). Member of the 99th Troop Carrier Squadron, 441st Troop Carrier Group, he participated to the airborne operation in Normandy on June 6, 1944,

and flew his last Waco CG4A glider as a co-pilot during Operation Dragoon where he died on August 15, 1944.

Report say : vertical Crach. 

Pilot was  Ralph LaVALLE of the 84th squadron was also killed .Paul KIMBALL is burried at American Rhone Cemetery, in Draguignan, southern France.



We are currently seeking information on the circumstances of the accident.